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Hellow from Greece


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Hellow everybody my name is Akis


I am also a member of the moderating team in skodaclub of greece.. skodaclub.gr


I am a happy owner of Skoda Octavia RS mk1 (black) and here are some fotos..




And here is one after i pollished the car myself


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Welcome to our forum!


RS is a very nice car. I like it very much.

Thank you for your welkome.

In any case I owe to admit that I faced difficulty in the registration procedure and the reason is that I did not know Bulgarian language.. Anyway i ve made it now and looking forward to share opinions and solutions for our favorite firm (SKODA) smile195

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Hello Akis,


Nice to see you in our forum!


You (like coleague skodakias) have a very nice and lovely car.Congratulations!


You could be useful for bG coleagues with a information about Okti MK1.(modifications)


Hasek say it just right!

It's about time to make a common meeting together (Bulgaria and Greece).


When is your National Meeting-may be we can do something about it and came a few coleagues from BG?


Best regards,


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